Seeds are Meant to Bear Fruit

South Central Farm in the city of Los Angeles ...

Image via Wikipedia







Oftentimes, what I think I should do and what I actually do are two different matters. I’ve stayed in bad relationships, bad jobs, and all-around bad situations too long, thinking that I’d somehow be rewarded for sticking in there. I’m guilty of thinking that things will turn around, when in reality, the only one who should be turning is me, running for the nearest exit.

We’re nearing the end of the year, and I keep hearing about what people are going to do differently in 2012. Is what you’re going through not urgent enough to make a change now? Are you not broke enough, not lonely enough, not heartbroken enough, not stuck in a rut enough, not backed far enough in a corner to do something immediately? If that’s the case, how I long to be in your shoes. That is not my testimony.

I’ve given too much of myself, and gotten too little in return. That’s over. I’ve handed too much of my seed over to desperation, eating seeds meant to be sown. I’m done with that. I’ve thrown good seed after bad in soil that will never yield a harvest. No more. God has planted good seeds in us all, Sweetie Pies, and He wants us to bear good fruit. We have too much talent and opportunity to not bear good fruit.

And, yes, you do have the opportunity. I know that someone is doing what you want to do who made it happen with less money, less support, less education, just plain less of what you have at this very moment. In my situation, I know that there are media moguls who started with far less than I have now. They did not have my talented friends, my supportive family, my dear Sweetie Pies who read and encourage my writing. They didn’t have fancy laptops, digital cameras, pianos in their living rooms, or time, underappreciated and elusive in its own right.

In order to make our mark in this world, we have to be realistic about who is for us and who is against us. It can’t be about words. It must be about action. For a wordsmith like myself, this is a bitter pill to swallow. However, my writing will not be powerful just because I slapped some words on the page. My writing will be powerful because I make a decision, every day, to make sure the best possible me shows up. That requires me cutting off dead branches and life-sucking weeds. It requires me to not act in haste, and it requires that I give my seeds the very best shot they have to bear good fruit.

My prayer for you, and for myself, is discernment — that we understand, internalize and act accordingly when people and situations mean us no good.  Haven’t we been barren long enough?

9 thoughts on “Seeds are Meant to Bear Fruit

  1. LaMonique, can you see when I visit your page? Does some little counter somewhere tick up by one? I hope so. I visit you often and comment seldom, but what you say touches me because you say it from your heart.

    • Vim, you are so sweet! I have to tell you that this comment put me on pause for a minute because someone else was telling me the exact same thing yesterday. When I really think about it, though, aren’t we all ministers? Good, bad, or ugly, we all have stories to tell, and things we can learn from one another.

  2. Pingback: We’re All Friends Here « Sweetie Pie

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