Meet Me Outside

Goodbyes are too sad.Tonight, I thought about not writing. I’m not home, nor will I be tonight. It’s been a very long day. I’m drained. I honestly don’t think anyone will think any less of me if I didn’t write. Most people wouldn’t even notice.

However, it was precisely when I was feeling this way that I knew I must write. I knew that I had to show up, and I know now that showing up is the message. So, the words may not be eloquent. You certainly won’t see this post on Freshly Pressed. But I’m honest, and I’m here.

I, like so many people with whom I have the good fortune of knowing, am working my way out of some problems. Believe me, sometimes the praying alone is work. I see my future, and I still believe in it despite the missteps and mistakes I’ve made. But now, in my every move, in my every action, I have to show the universe that I mean business. I will keep showing up.

When my friends want to hang out, they tell me to meet them somewhere at a certain time. When I was younger and people wanted to fight me (and yes, this happened more than once) they’d tell me to meet them outside after school or at the bus stop. Either way, most of the time, I showed up. Now, I’m not advocating physical violence, but I am saying that we have to be aware that we’re not always going to be showing up for a fun night out with the girls. Sometimes, when we decide to get off the couch, turn off the television, and walk out the front door, we’re meeting up for a fight. We’re fighting for our families, our financial freedom, our art, our education, our futures. And if we don’t show up, then those dumb bullies will think us cowards. They will think us weak. They will think us unworthy of what it is we seek. And they will be right.

Sweetie Pies, the reason I like to show up here night after night is because I know I’ve got a few allies who are ready to have my back no matter what I’m facing when I go outside. I like that. When I show up here, it gives me the courage to walk a little further up the road, where I will face my demons, my hope, and my future.

3 thoughts on “Meet Me Outside

  1. When I went through some rough spots in my Life I was reminded of a bible verse that stated God will fight my battle, for the battle belongs to the Lord. It was a comfort to know that even though their was so many things against me, I could rest in peace knowing I was not alone. Great post. Glad you showed up tonight:)

    2 Chronicles 20:17
    You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you.”

    • Rashida, I needed this verse tonight! Thank you. It is a comfort to know that we can “tomorrow go out against them, for the LORD is with you.” Yes! We show up knowing that the battle is the Lord’s. 🙂

  2. Well you are always right on time with your posts (actually I probably should’ve read this last night) because I really needed those words. I wish I was like you in the way of showing up all the time because sometimes I don’t feel like showing up and I just don’t but you are right. The times we don’t feel like showing up is when we need to show up the most. Thank you oh wise one!

Sweetie Pies are talking!